Final Arctic Fantasy is a comedy adventure series featuring Samurai bears, futuristic penguins and high stakes adventure! Created by Carl Lucas. Follow my progress on Instagram @lucas.carl Facebook Carl Lucas Art Twitter @CarlMLucas
Retells the original Star Wars film in manga. Fleeing from the evil Darth Vader and the Galactic Empire, Princess Leia sends her two androids C-3P0 and R2-D2 to the planet Tatooine, in hopes that the top-secret plans to the Empire's secret weapon reach former Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two droids end up at the hands of a young orphan named Luke Skywalker, who then teams up with Obi-Wan and renegade pilot Han Solo to rescue Princess Leia from the Empire. (Source: ANN)
Chocolate and other sweets have been banned thanks to the political reign of the Good For You Party, and the new laws are enforced strictly, with force if need be. Smudger and Huntley are two teen boys determined to eat chocolate again. They search out rumored chocolate bootleggers, eventually starting their own chocolate underground distribution.
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