Whereas the main story of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED focuses on the struggles between the Earth Alliance, ZAFT, and Orb Union, the Astray series is focused on the three MBF-P0x mobile suit prototypes (however mainly on Lowe Guele) and their respective pilots and organizations, who mainly exist on the outskirts of the main SEED storyline. The MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame is piloted by Lowe Guele of the Junk Guild, and the MBF-P03 Astray Blue Frame is piloted by Gai Murakumo of the mercenary group Serpent Tail. The third Astray, MBF-P01 Astray Gold Frame, is piloted by the primary antagonist of the Astray story, Orb nobleman Rondo Ghina Sahaku, and later by his twin sister Rondo Mina Sahaku.
The year is cosmic era 71. Outer space has been taken over by thieves and pirates, and danger lurks throughout the cool, dark depths of the galaxy. Lowe Gear, a brilliant junk-tech mechanic, discovers a top-secret Mobile Suit in the midst of space debris. This mysterious Gundam seems to have been at the top of everyone's shopping list -- and now everybody is after Lowe ! Gundam SEED ASTRAY R is an out-of-this-world sci-fi epic, featuring edgy, never-before-seen stories that are set in the immensely popular Gundam SEED universe. (Source: Tokyopop)
It is October, Cosmic Era 71. The Second Battle of Yakin Due has brought about the end of the war between Earth and PLANT. Jess Rabble, a mobile suit pilot, journalist and cameraman, wishes to photograph the truth of the world from a mobile suit's perspective. During an encounter with the Junk Guild, he meets Lowe Gear, who offers him the newly completed Astray Out Frame in order to fulfill his goal. Now, with Lowe's talking computer '8' at his side, Jess ventures off to all corners of the Earth to film the new battles the world faces. (Source: Anime News Network)
After having finished a job at Research Colony Mendel, a mysterious mobile suit approaches the colony--likely with hostile intent. When Lowe Gear intercepts in the Red Frame, the pilot opens fire... and thus begins another exciting adventure set in the popular Gundam Seed universe! Mobile Suit Gundam SEED X Astray continues where Gundam Seed Astray R left off! (Source: Tokyopop)
The Cosmic Era. Coordinators, born through genetic modification and Naturals, who are born naturally. Both experienced two great wars. People devoted themselves to fighting for things they believed in and things they should protect. Fighting gives birth to hatred and hatred in turn gives birth to sorrow. The battlefield swallows the fate of the soldiers and turned into the gravestone to an invisible future. Although a transient piece arrived in the end, the scars of war run deep. Yet in such a world, there were those who walked a path they strongly believed. Engineers giving their lives and roles to that which was discarded and destroyed: Junkers. Those who fight for those without power: Mercenaries. Those who convey the truth to the people: Journalists. Even if they deviate from the noble path, they will follow a path they believe in according to their own beliefs... Astray. (Source: Zeonic Scanlations)
Follows the adventures of the group sent from the martian colony to the Earth for an unknown purpose.
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