Manga based on the life of Homare Sawa, the captain of Japan's 2011 World Cup winning women's soccer team. The heroine, Kaede, is modeled after Sawa and follows her from her school years, when she dreams of winning medals at the World Cup and Olympics. She makes friends through the sport and, despite setbacks, never gives up on her ambitions.
Slice of Life
Ever wonder what Yaoi-Con is like from a mangaka's point of view? In 2011, BL mangaka Fusanosuke Inariya attended Yaoi-Con as a guest of honor. Read this manga style report about her personal experiences on what she saw and how she felt. There's plenty of fun as East meets West in this fujoshi fueled article! (Source: DMG)
Uki Ogasawara (Black Sun) was the special guest for 2012's Yaoicon. It was her first attendance located in a hotel, and DMP's first year as the event's hosts. So, what did she think and how did it all go? Come on and find out! (Source: DMG)
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