The game's story centers around a war between the kingdom of Ragnanival, led by the king Odin, and the realm of Ringford, led by the queen Elfaria. Their war has devastated the country of Valentine, of which only scattered ruins remain. The story is told from the perspective of five characters whose stories intertwine: Gwendolyn, valkyrie and younger daughter of Odin; Cornelius, prince of the neutral country of Titania; Mercedes, daughter of Elfaria and princess of Ringford; Oswald, a shadow knight and agent of Ringford; and Velvet, a survivor of Valentine's devastation.
The story takes place in a country by the name of Popolocrois in which the people live peacefully. King Paul is a kind-hearted man who entered into a marriage with one of the daughters of the Ryuu clan, Sania, in order to overcome the barriers between the different races. The Queen soon gave birth to a child, Prince Pietro, who will play a significant role in bridging the gap between the humans and the Ryuu clan. This series is was discontinued.
Humans and demons inhabit an alternate universe Earth. While demons are stronger, humans keep them in check by their sheer numbers. A bloody war is waged between humans and demons to determine who will acquire the world.
ActionMartial Arts
ActionMartial ArtsSchool
A spin-off of Hataraku Saibou explores the dynamics between warring intestinal bacteria. (Source: World Without Horizons)
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