Isekai Tennis Musou follows a high school tennis prodigy who is summoned to another world as a hero and finds it unimpressive when compared to the high school tennis nationals. Tennis is the most powerful superpower in this world: with his tennis skills he can crush a dragon with one hit or defeat an army of demons. But the demon king is also a tennis player. (Source: ANN)
The manga is based on Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei: Deep Strange Journey Nintendo 3DS game, and tells an untold story in the game's world. (Source: ANN)
Kingdom Hearts III follows Sora as he is joined by Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, and Riku as they search for the seven guardians of light and attempt to thwart Xehanort's plan to bring about a second Keyblade War. (Source: Wikipedia)
30 years has passed since the beginning of the great war between the people of "Jade" and "Kokuyou", which ended with Kokuyo as the winners and the losers of Jade becoming their slaves. And now the emperor has decided to perform a gladiator's tournament called "Shaba Juu Rengoku", and has proclaimed that the tournament's winner will receive the title of "Shaba-ou" and also the emperor's throne. Meanwhile, a certain one-eyed swordman has become popular among the gladiators... This is the story of one-eyed slave aiming to become emperor! (Source: Natalie, translated)
The third series in the "Animal X" timeline. Having burned enough bridges in Japan, Yuuji and Minato have moved their new family to a small dinosaur-crazy town in Canada. If there's any place in the world left for Dinosauroids, surely it must be here: a town revived by the discovery of dinosaur bones, with one of the largest paleontology research centers in the world, and a network of "Conservation Centers" set up to cater to the newly-discovered Dinosauroid community. The rest of the world, None-the-wiser for the incident at the Biodome (which was covered up completely) has pretty much forgotten all about Dinosauroids.
Altered humans, Uno and Yuuna, take on ARCA's deal to service their debt. (Source: Tranquil Spring)
Tower of God centers around a boy called Twenty-Fifth Bam, who has spent most of his life trapped beneath a vast and mysterious Tower, with only his close friend, Rachel, to keep him company. When Rachel enters the Tower, Bam manages to open the door into it as well, and faces challenges at each floor of this tower as he tries to find his closest companion. (Source: Wikipedia)
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