Something is killing humans who have received mysterious powers through a seemingly divine source, and only the vampire Angela stands between them and utter annihilation. Her only friend is the vampire known only as Alliance, who secretly desires to create a vampire world called Dystopia! Will he use his unique abilities to assist Angela...or to destroy her? (Source: CPM Manga)
Chihiro is a second year high school student. He is a bit impatient since he's got no girlfriend even though he gets closer to Christmas. One day, while he is on the mobile phone internet, he finds an interesting web site and downloads it. When he finishes it, his phone suddenly flashes..., and a tiny girl appears in front of him. "I'm Rin. What's your name? You have no girlfriend, don't you? I'll be in trouble if I don't make you happy." She tells him that if he doesn't find a girlfriend before Christmas, she won't be able to go back to her world. Will he be able to find a girlfriend before Christmas for himself and Rin...? (Source: Himeya Shop)
RomanceSchoolShoujo Ai
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